An adult dating site operates on a match search technology. You put in some parameters like age, hair color, location, interest and outcomes of a list of women. Seems pretty straightforward, right? Well, there’s actually a lot of technology behind this process. By getting a clear understanding of how this technology works, you can increase the likelihood that match search will work for you instead of against you.
How can such a technology work against you? Well, there’s a reason why too many guys who join adult dating sites don’t get what they’re looking for. The reason is simple: they end up getting results that everybody else is getting. What do you think will happen? I’ll tell you what will happen. You have a huge amount of guys – we’re taking about thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dudes – going after the same handful of women. We’re talking at most a few thousand women.
Since you have a ratio of more than 100 to one (unless of course on sites like https://www.hookuponline.com ), what do you think the chances of the typical guy is in actually dating those women? Almost zero. Do you see how these works out? So, it’s really important to understand how you can make the system work for you instead of against you. The key here is to type in search phrases that other people may not be looking for. You see, a lot of women end up filling out their profiles in such a way that they are very hard to search.
For some reason or other, they put in some details that short circuit the search engine. These women are also very frustrated because they’re not meeting guys. There’s tons of guys, but they’re all seeing the same few women in the results. Do you see how this all works out? If you are one of those few guys who are able to consistently search for women that the system doesn’t normally retrieve, then you have a much higher chance of scoring with these women. You have to think along these lines. This way, you can maximize your chances of success. When there’re less competition, you boost your chances of actually hooking up.